Flash fiction or micro fiction writing is a fiction writing work of extreme brevity. You express the emotion of characters, a plot in a very small number of words. AT #FridayFOtoFIction we give you a photo prompt and ask you to write a flash fiction or a micro fiction about the photo.
Did you know, fiction writing is good for you? It is a world of freedom and imagination. We are loving the entries in #FridayFotoFiction. Every week we are picking up a featured blogger and at the end of the month we pick up a monthly winner for consistent participation who wins cash prize/ Amazon Vouchers. Isn’t that cool!
#FridayFotoFiction Prompt Sep 15-20
The Friend – Micro Fiction #FridayFotoFiction
The day had finally arrived. The day for which Jude had waited for several years.
“All ready?”
“Yes boss” he replied in a low voice.
As Jude walked through the corridor his eyes longed for someone. He checked around him but didn’t see the familiar face.
“Sign here” pointed the clerk.
“Here’re your belongings” announced the clerk.
Jude was stepping out in the world after a very long time. He didn’t know if he could face the world again. Will the world accept him?
As he walked out of the penitentiary gates his eyes locked with those of a friend’s. A friend with whom he shared everything, over the last eight years. A friend, without whom, he’s incomplete.
Alex and Jude both were released on the same day. They walked towards their new life together. This time they didn’t bother about anyone. They wanted to be there for each other.
©Tina Basu
Word Count – 150
Hope you enjoy.
#FridayFOtoFiction Micro Story series Featured Blogger Sep 8-13
We had 16 beautiful stories in the linky last week which i think is a wonderful response to our micro fiction series. We get to read so many takes on the same prompts that it’s unbelievable. It truly is imagination at its best. We have had stories on social causes, thrillers, tragedy everything this time. Me and your co-host Mayuri have picked up one amongst the sixteen t be our featured blogger of the week. Join me in wishing Gaurav Yadav from igauravyadav for being the featured blogger of the week at #FridayFotoFiction. Read his featured post here.
Congratulations Gaurav. Flaunt away your #FridayFotoFiction Featured Blogger certificate on your blog and social media. If you are doing that tag me (@twinklingtina on Twitter & Instagram) and Mayuri (@Mayuri6 on Twitter and @Mysticmerrymaker on Instagram) for some shout out.
How to participate in #FridayFotoFiction Flash Fiction Challenge
- Every Thursday evening we’ll give you a photo prompt
- Follow @twinklingtina & @Mayuri6 on twitter and wait for the prompt, Thursdays at 8pm
- Write a 100 Word story on the photo prompt. You can go upto max 150 words.
- Use the badge at the end of your posts
- Link up with Tina or Mayuri
- Linky is open from Friday to Wednesday midnight. So you have 6 days to link up.
- Read, comment, share on host and co-hosts posts and at least two more posts linked in the party Pro Tip – Networking and commenting is good for your blog’s health and ranks.
- Use #FridayFotoFiction in your post and share on social media using the same hashtag.
- Every week we will have one featured blogger who is the best reflection of this community spirit
- And every month a winner for most active participation
Grab the Badge

Add your posts in the link below.
Disclaimer – Don’t add random posts which are NOT written for this prompt. Irrelevant links will be deleted from the linky. We are strict with the Rules.
There r few such friends who make us complete….they need to b treasured
It’s good not to bother if you got a friend along. Good post.
Glad that they would be facing the world together, side by side. Good one, Tina.
Some relationships never end. Nice write up.
Lovely take on the prompt Tina. Nothing can put you down if you have a friend standing by you.
Thats so heartening- friendship is a very special bond. You have beautifully depicted it here
Friendship is one such relationship which doesn’t require any platform or approval of right/wrong. Lovely post Tina
Wow, embarking on a new life with such a friend is a boon. Great write!
Somewhere, I think they might be a bit more than friends. Your story being set in the backdrop of a penitentiary just adds a bit more to that line of thought. A very interesting take, Tina. Enjoyed reading it.
They infact are much more. Now they are a couple. That’s what the prompt is about
Friendship can start and blossom in the dungeons! So very refreshingly different take on prompt. Engaging tale, Tina!
-Anagha from Team MocktailMommies
Lovely take. With such a friend by your side, a new beginning does come with a lot of promises.
New beginnings with old friends! Life looks good for Jude and Alex. Thanks for the prompt Tina!