Friday Foto Fiction is a weekly flash fiction writing challenge where we give you a photo prompt and ask you to write a 100-150 word flash fiction about it.
Hello, beautiful people, are you having a great Friday? It’s Durga Puja time, and all Bengalis are going crazy – including me. But there’s always time for #FridayFotoFiction and flash fiction writing challenge, isn’t it? So let’s go to prompt rightaway.
#FridayFotoFiction Sep 29-Oct 4 Photo Prompt
Flash Fiction Writing Challenge – #FridayFotoFiction – Mercy
His luggage was packed waiting to get in the car.
A life with the young and beautiful Evelyn was waiting.
“Dad… dad… are you there? Mom’s not breathing” screamed his 13-year-old.
“Call 911 dad, she is not responding”
He flipped his phone punching in the three numbers in haste while climbing up the stairs.
“I’m co……” the words hung in the air as Rob tripped and fell down the stairs.
As he lay at the bottom of the stairs in a pool of blood memories of years with Jemma and their daughter in this house kept flashing in his mind.
Jemma had forgiven him every time, even when he had slept with her best friend.
She believed in mercy.
And I was leaving her to be with the young girl!
I don’t think there’s any mercy left for me, he thought as he vanished in the darkness.
©Tina Basu
Word Count 150
#FridayFotoFiction Sep 22-27 Featured Bloggers
We are getting such beautiful entries for the photo prompts that we are feeling super awesome. Last week there were 18 beautiful stories which had such myriad emotions. While few questioned our current lifestyle, few were about personal loss, diseases, and nightmares of a murder! Since we liked a lot of entries we thought of doing what has never been done here earlier – We picked up three featured bloggers on #FridayFotoFiction! How nice is that people? We are loving how enthusiastic you all are about the fiction writing challenge and how you are interpreting the photo prompts.
Our first Featured blogger for fiction writing challenge on #FridayFotoFiction is Gayatri from Gayatri is a strong, independent & dynamic woman who quit her corporate job to follow her heart. She is an author and an avid traveler. Read her featured post Genius.
Our second Featured blogger for fiction writing challenge on #FridayFotoFiction is Pratibha from Ladynimue Pratibha loves to experiment in reading, watching and listening to all that is suggested to her by friends. Read her featured post Design Flaw
And our third Featured blogger for fiction writing challenge on #FridayFotoFiction is Varsha from A Vibrant Palette. Varsha is a hobby writer and poetess and is a dedicated mom. Read her featured post The Choice
Congratulations featured bloggers, FLaunt your certificate wherever you want.
What’s up Next Week on #FridayFotoFiction?
Next week is going to be prizes galore day! As promised at the end of the month we are giving out cash prize for fictioneers who has been participating in #FridayFotoFIction consistently! So if you have participated in #FridayFotoFiction of Sep 1-6, Sep 8-13 Sep 15-20, Sep22-27 and this one then you could be a contender for the Monthly prize! So hurry up!
How to participate in #FridayFotoFiction Flash Fiction Writing Challenge
- Follow
@twinklingtina &@Mayuri6 , your hosts for#FridayFotofiction, on Twitter. - Every Thursday evening Tina and Mayuri will share a Photo Prompt with you on Twitter and on their respective blogs.
- Write a 100-150 Word story based on or relevant to the given Photo Prompt.
- Use the
#FridayFotoFiction badge at the end of your posts. - Link up with Tina or Mayuri
- Read, comment, share on the host and co-hosts posts and at least two more posts linked in the party.
Pro Tip – Networking and commenting are good for your blog’s health and ranks. - Use
#FridayFotoFiction in your post and share in on social media using the same hashtag. - Every week Tina and Mayuri will pick one featured blogger whose post impressed them the most.
- Every month one winner will be picked from the participants. This winner will be picked on the basis of regular participation through the month and will win a cash voucher from Amazon.
Grab the Badge

Justice at last! Serves him the best. Most befitting end of the poignant tale, Tina!
– Anagha From Team MocktailMommies
Well , karma is a bitch but a fair one I say !
He deserved it- somehow I don’t feel bad for him. Liked how you wrote such an intense one in few words
What goes around..comes around..! That is karma – No escape from it!
Your post left me thinking about that little her…”What about her?” and what happened to the mother? Few questions lingering in my head!
Finally, he get what he deserved. But, what m thinking now is, how would the child do in such a situation. Mom unconscious and father meets with an accident same time. I wish no one comes across such a situation in their lives.