Friday Foto Fiction is a weekly micro fiction challenge where we give you a photo prompt and ask you to write a 100-150 word flash fiction about it.
Hello, beautiful people, are you having a great Friday? How was your Navratri and Durga Puja?. But there’s always time for #FridayFotoFiction and micro fiction challenge, isn’t it? So let’s go to prompt rightaway.
#FridayFotoFiction Oct 6- Oct11 Photo Prompt
Memories Micro Fiction Challenge #FridayFotoFiction Oct 6- Oct11
“I’m glad you came.”
“Of course I would, do I look that evil?”
“Stop that now!”
They continued their little conversation while the waiter brought their coffees and cookies. But there were many unspoken words between them waiting to come out.
“I gave a thought over last couple of years – what I did to you was wrong. What I did to the kids was wrong.”
“I am glad, you realize that Evan.”
“I do, but I took too long. I had hurt you.”
“Evan, I have never told you this earlier… I feel I had blown it out of proportion, I didn’t give you a chance to explain”
“Can you give a chance now?” he asked as she stared in his warm blue eyes.
“To us?” he continued.
“Evan I still love you, a divorce can’t erase all the memories we have shared”
“Let’s make some more memories, my love”.
©Tina Basu
Word Count 150
#FridayFotoFiction Sep 29-Oct 4 Featured Blogger
We are loving all these beautiful entries for the photo prompts on #FridayFotoFiction. Last week there were 14 beautiful stories which had such different colors. Our featured blogger for Sep 29-Oct4 is Yuvi from Foreplayed. Yuvi writes on sensuality and erotics on his blog. Read his featured post Kiss of Wolverine.
Congratulations Yuvi
#FridayFotoFiction September 2017 Winner
We told you we are uber cool, and we love writers. End of the month brings happiness and also some Lakshmi! Today, in fact, in West Bengal is Lakshmi Puja. Every month we will pick up a winner who gets Amazon Gift Vouchers! Isn’t that cool?
The only rule to be in this list – Must have participated in all the #FridayFotoFIction Flash Fiction Writing challenge on all 4 weeks of the month – i.e. all the photo prompts of the month.
P.S. there werr=e 5 Fridays in September so we chose the winner who had participated in all 5 weeks! Sometimes they offer you more Sundays! LOL. Unfortunately there were only 4 Sundays!
So our #FridayFotoFiction winner for the month of September is Akshata from Akswrites.
Read her Posts of this month September 1.Memories 2. Déjà vu 3.The Connection 4. Amnesia 5. The Wait
How to participate in #FridayFotoFiction Flash Fiction Writing Challenge
- Follow
@twinklingtina &@Mayuri6 , your hosts for#FridayFotofiction, on Twitter. - Every Thursday evening Tina and Mayuri will share a Photo Prompt with you on Twitter and on their respective blogs.
- Write a 100-150 Word story based on or relevant to the given Photo Prompt.
- Use the
#FridayFotoFiction badge at the end of your posts. - Link up with Tina or Mayuri
- Read, comment, share on the host and co-hosts posts and at least two more posts linked in the party.
Pro Tip – Networking and commenting are good for your blog’s health and ranks. - Use
#FridayFotoFiction in your post and share in on social media using the same hashtag. - Every week Tina and Mayuri will pick one featured blogger whose post impressed them the most.
- Every month one winner will be picked from the participants. This winner will be picked on the basis of regular participation through the month and will win a cash voucher from Amazon.
Grab the Badge

I am taking part in The Write Tribe Problogger October 2017 Blogging Challenge
That’s beautiful and positive. How good it is if people realize their mistakes and give life and love an another chance.
liked the end… It’s never too late to make good memories.
All’s well that ends well.
Ah, good that he realized his mistake, but its true-its very difficult to wipe out all the bad memories and create new ones. But there’s always light at the end of the tunnel. Nice take on the prompt 🙂
Thats a lost love rekindled- glad they found their happy ending together. Nice one as always Tina. You set the bar so high for all of us!
Love should always have a second chance ..
so touchy !! love conquers all.
Lovely. I like happy endings and this is a happy moment when love got together.
That’s a positive twist on a relationship gone sour. I’ve tried in the past to rekindle things but it hasn’t worked out as sometimes, old problems resurface after a while.
Wonderful to hear they still had a chance for their love to bloom again!
[…] linking the post with Mayuri and Tina […]
‘Let’s make some more memories.”
Beautiful Line.
I love happy endings. I really hope they can make it work this time.
It is always good to see people coming around, admitting their mistakes and making amends as there is no greater sorrow than broken hearts and bruised relationships.
That’s really a great write up. And a story finish with a good ending. All is well now. Like that line let’s make some more memories.
A small yet positive story. Loved it.
That story ended on such a positive note. Nothing is better than making up for your mistakes. Lovely take on the prompt
Like the take. To the new beginnings and a happy life, which only 2 people can have with mutual love.
Glad they gave their love a 2nd chance. Good one, Tina.
Divorce is a cruel end of the relationship specially when the couple has kids. Things could always be worked out. Happy that you ended on re conciliatory note Tina.
-Anagha from Team MocktailMommies
It is very easy to break relationships or, in fact, anything and extremely difficult to bring it back together. A lovely take on the prompt. I hope we all gather courage and try to work things out in our relationships, rather than despising the person and holding grudges for a lifetime. Cheers!