Health is wealth – however clichéd it might sound – it is the absolute truth! On this Thankful Thursday, we ask you to write a Thank You Note to your health and join the #ThankYouNote contest this month.
Hola people welcome to a new month – November. It’s my favorite month because its winter, it’s my birthday, it’s my mum’s birthday, it’s Thanksgiving! It also happens to be our first anniversary of #ThankfulThursday – how cool is that? #ThankfulThursday anniversary during Thanksgiving? It’s a year of saying thank you, a year of showing gratitude a year of expressing thankfulness. So what better than coming up with the ThankfulThursday #ThankYouNote Contest. This Thanksgiving month write a post based on the 5 prompts for 5 Thursdays and we choose winners based on max participation and you win Amazon vouchers! How cool is that!!
Read on for contest rules at the end of the post. Please stick to the contest rules so that we can choose the winner better.
Prompt for #ThankfulThursday #ThankYouNote Contest Week 1
I started the post with the proverbial words Health is Wealth. Who can write on it better than me who is dealing with health issues one after the other? Ever since the toddler has started playschool, he brings back home cold and cough, virals, infections and almost everything possible on earth from the kids in school and that results in everyone in the house falling sick once a month! Last month, we had to take the son to Hospital ER because of an excessive cough – he had not slept or eaten anything in two days and I was losing my mind.
Yesterday I woke up with a blocked ear and terrible pain in my right ear. In the two hours that I waited before reaching out to my dad or my dear friend Amrita, your co-host, who is also an ENT surgeon, I was feeling murderous because this pain was terrible. Painkillers and antibiotics later I am still sitting with a bleeding infected ear! I have never in my wildest dreams had I thought, an ear pain could be this dangerous. Amrita saved me from that excruciating pain.
We don’t feel thankful to our body or health till something is wrong or you have to deal with pain! Ear for me was like a veg starter – neglected! Apart from occasional wax cleaning I have never paid heed to get it checked by an ENT or keeping it healthy regularly! But now since I have been pained, since I have been wiping blood with my husband’s white hanky, I now know how thankful I am for an otherwise healthy body.
Eat Right, Excercise, Be Happy, Love yourself, take time forself – no one else can love you more than yourself.
While I was having my baby, a lot of people came up with their advises and predictions – your pregnant belly is like a watermelon you are expecting a girl, your linia Nigra is dark – you are expecting a boy, the baby kicks a lot – you are expecting a boy and a lot of such stuff. My mom had the best answer for all of that rubbish – We are not concerned with the sex of the baby, we want a healthy breathing baby with all parts intact! Yes, that’s what every mother wants – a healthy normal baby! Believe me, that’s the first thought of every woman who learns they are expecting a baby and not whether I’ll have a boy or girl.
I can’t be thankful enough to god for giving me a lively wonderful baby with amazing birthweight. I can’t be thankful enough to god for giving me a healthy life. I still have all parts intact – no broken bones to torn tissues, no plates, and screws – yet!
The only time I have ever visited the hospital was to get the baby out at 39 weeks because I was too frustrated with this little guy thinking it’s a washing machine! It was clear from the 38-week scans that I was heading towards a c-section because this guy was busy getting cords around his head and was floating in a weird position high up and I refused to let him occupy that space for some more weeks!
The thoughts of an operative measure can be scary for people. But then when you can trust your doctor and hospital then it’s not a trouble. Post-operative time is painful, no doubt, but I still remember my doctor telling – the day you leave the hospital you will run and go. And touch wood, not for a single day I had a problem since I left the hospital!
It is good to Google and gets information – but assuming Google information can make you a doctor yourself is wrong. Don’t read too much and mess up your mind nor assume you know better than the doctor. I am always thankful to my health and my trusted doctors.
Are you thankful for health too?
#ThankfulThursdays #ThankYouNote Contest Rules
- Must write on each of the 5 #ThankfulThursday prompts to be eligible for this contest.
- Must follow, comment and share both the host’s post on social media
- Must comment and share 3 of the link ups posts
- Comment on the posts linked up and on the host’s posts with #ThankfulThursday hashtag.Use the #ThankfulThursday and #ThankYouNote for social sharing and tag us.
- Two winners and two gift vouchers are up for grabs.
- A minimum of 10 blog post entries will be deemed necessary for the contest to be validated, so make sure you invite and tag your friends to enter too!
- Your performance in this competition will have a score which will matter for the next part of the competition too!
- Keep your posts and engagement civil. Adult content/ affiliated links/ derogatory remarks/ hatred towards any religion is not allowed.
- Only posts in the link-up written on the prompt will be eligible for the contest and prize.
- All decisions of the judges are final and will appreciate your cooperation in the matter.Looking forward to your thank you notes this month.Write with a Thankful Heart!
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[…] You could also join #ThankfulThursdays – a weekly blog link up hosted by Amrita Mishra and Tina Basu. […]
I hope you are feeling better. Really takes a lot of effort to battle ear pain. Can’t even think of the one time I had that.
Ohh my ear is still troubling me!! Thanks.
Till some pain or injury strikes do we really understand the importance of good health.
seriously, I am in that league too
we have to write blog or just a comment?? and what if I missed the first thursday..
You have to write a blog post on your blog
[…] « Thank You Health – Thankful Thursday #ThankYouNote Contest #Thanksgiving […]
Yes, I remember all those guessing done by relatives and friends if it would be a boy or girl when wife was pregnant..😀 it is so hillarious. We have self proclaimed doctors all around you during that period.
Liked this thought, Tina that no one else can love you more than yourself! And we search for love in some one else’s heart! As rightly said, we must have time for self and invest in good health practices.
Not having time for yourself is like not loving your best friend. Thanks, Anagha!
I have realised that we don’t feel thankful unless we lose it. Whenever we fall sick, we get to know the importance of a healthy body. And especially if you are the lady of the house, the whole house comes to a halt.
True that, if you are the lady of the house and fall sick, everything is stalled!
it was interesting to read about ur baby’s washing machine …..haha
hahhah… it was weird to be that washing machine though! Thanks Monika
LOL @ washing machine!
I agree having a healthy baby is most important. We should be thankful for being healthy …!I feel at times, that we realize the importance only when issues start oming up.
Very true Z. Seriously my son thought i was a washing machine!!