Teach your child humility – remove entitlement, sense of undue privilege. Here are a few ways to teach your child humility and make your child humble.
Are you worried your child is already entitled and turning selfish? The child doesn’t want to share his toys and throws a tantrum if he has to share his things? The child doesn’t respect people who help you with your housework? If the answer to the above is YES, you need to teach your child humility.
I have been intentional to teach my child humility. Make your child humble, because humility is a great virtue in today’s world. This will stay along with your child in his life later on and can be one of the biggest personality traits.
Why should you make your child Humble?
Make your child humble because it will help keep a check on their egos, entitlement, and inculcate a feeling of gratitude. When you teach humility to your child you know you are bringing up well-behaved children who are confident and aware of the world around them.
5 Ways to teach your child Humility
#1 Admit your own mistakes and Encourage children to admit their mistakes
I repeat this often – children learn what they see. As parents, you have to be the role models. When you admit your own mistakes, kids find it is the normal way to behave. This encourages them to admit their own mistakes. It is a good thing when they can claim their own responsibilities – good or bad. Make your relation communication friendly so that your child can approach you comfortably without fear of a repercussion.
#2 Discourage attitude of Entitlement
One of the best ways to teach your child humility is to discourage the attitude of entitlement. Parents often have this feeling “my child will have everything”. There’s no harm if you can keep a check on yourself. Praising kids, gifting kids with material things is okay to a certain extent. If you keep repeating regularly – you are developing an attitude of entitlement and arrogance in kids. Make your children confident, not overconfident. Explain to your kids how throwing tantrums for the most expensive gifts is not a healthy attitude.
#3 Teach them to be polite with others and respect people for their work
I have taught my son to respect everyone – my house helps, the vegetable vendors, the buggy driver, the ‘Amazon uncle’. He calls everyone uncle or aunty and greets them politely. This is important from the beginning.
A child must know everyone is respectable even if they are working for you. This will make him humble instead of feeling arrogant about his/her parent’s status in society.

Little girl introduction her new babysitter, girl timidly shake hands with mature woman
#4 Sharing is Caring
I often find my son offering treats and chocolates to everyone who drops by the home. If he is sharing with his friends, he will share with their parents, and almost everyone present. The other day he was having Oreos and offered me. When I said no I don’t want and thanked him for his offer, he said “sharing is caring, mum. Have one bite at least”.
Teaching your child, the virtue of sharing is important. I have been intentional in teaching him this right from the time he used to be a toddler and didn’t like if anyone touched his toys. When you keep repeating things with examples, it becomes a habit.
For example: I tell him, “if you don’t share your toys with your friends, how will you play with their toys when you to go their place, they might not share too – sharing is caring”.
This kind of has stuck on to him.
#5 Teach them to try again when they fail
One of the best ways to teach a child humility is to teach them to TRY AGAIN. There’s no problem if you fail, try again. If you fail the next time, no problem, try again.
This will teach them – confidence, resilience, grit and make them humble.
What do you think about the ways to teach your child humility? Have you tried it in your parenting journey? Let me know.
I am sharing Parenting hacks for Millennial Moms on this Season of A to Z Challenge. Adding the post links as I post them.
A – Amazing Moms
B-Boys -What Boys Need from their moms
C – How to be a calm mom
D – Discipline kids without yelling
E – Raising Emotionally healthy Kids
F – French Parenting Tips
G – Gentle Parenting
Until next time.
[…] is one of the best Indian values you must instill in your child. I mentioned in my earlier post, respect for others makes a child humble. Respect for elders is considered a key characteristics of […]
Humility is very important to imbibe in their system early on. You have brilliantly explained the reasons and tips to work around with humility.
‘Admit your own mistakes’, is most important, for kids to see that you are human and it’s okay to err, learn from it and move on. Well written!
Beautiful and heart touching post ….truly, if we practice each one of these and then tell our kids to do the same….they will learn better….
#DiaryOfAnInsaneWriter #BlogchatterA2Z
Ahh nice!! Very useful tips. I should jot it down. (for my kids in Future)