Need reasons to start a blog in 2020? Here are 10 reasons for you to start a blog, show your creativity, and make some money too in 2020.
Now that you are in the middle of a pandemic and have got accustomed to working from home, have you realized you have found some time to dedicate towards your hobby? We all have so much to say. Like me, these days you will find me pouring my opinions on Twitter.
But if you want a creative outlet of your opinion – a blog is your answer. You can make a personal blog, an online journal, share your expertise and so much more. Here I am today, trying to convince you reasons to start a Blog in 2020, if you already don’t have one and make some money too.
Wait, A Blog? I thought they were dead!
No. It’s not dead, nor is it dying anytime soon. Period. We are living in the age of Instagram and beautiful looking feeds. But blogging is more valuable than Instagramming alone. what is the Attention span on Instagram is of a few seconds while blogs are permanent and your readers can always come back and read.
There are a ton of bloggers, how do I make a successful blog?
Making a successful blog requires exactly those 3Cs that you would do in your day job – CONTENT, CONSISTENCY, COMMUNICATION. Yes, as simple as that. Content, still, is King. If your content is not good, not original and not creative there are lesser chances of your building an audience base.
So here’s what you will get to know by the end of this post
- Reasons to Start Blogging in 2020
- Free Vs. Self-Hosted Blogs
- Basic SEO you need to work on
- Attracting Brands for paid posts!
This is quite a detailed post so hang on!
10 Reasons to Start a Blog in 2020
#1 Invest this Time
2020 has taught us a lot of patience. You have time in your hand since you are not wasting that being stuck in traffic – use it wisely for a hobby or self-improvement. Why not a blog?
#2 People are on Social Media all day – People are reading
My food blog is going crazy! People are spending more time on Social Media and blogs in 2020. My old food posts and DIY posts on this blog have a sudden spike. So people are reading quite a few blogs in 2020. Share your content, let people read/ look at your creativity!
#3 Love of Food
Food Blogs and Food YouTube Channels have had the best graph in 2020. Everyone wants recipes, easy basic recipes because everyone’s eating home in 2020. If you love cooking/baking/ cake decorating/ – start a blog, already.
#4 Love for DIY & Tutorials
If you follow some of these Lifestyle publications of UK you will find daily posts like “This Birmingham mom did a room makeover with bargain buys”. If you like home improvement and do a lot of DIYs why not make a post about it with a before and after pictures and share it with your readers. DIY’s attract a lot of eyeballs. Believe me.
Like the above if you are good at photo editing, making short videos, or you are good at taking photos, doing makeup, draping a saree – share that knowledge in the form of a tutorial. Everyone is consuming content in 2020. Be out there and make your content.
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#5 3 Cs – Content, Consistency, Communication – it is your identity
I will again, reiterate – Content is King. Inspired content will not take you anywhere. Your voice, your creativity will matter if you want to build an audience.
Consistency is the key to making your blog a successful blog. If you are not updating your blog with two or three new posts every week Google search console will not be happy about it!
The way you communicate with your audience is your voice. It is how your audience connects with you.
Your blog could be your new identity – have you thought about it?
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#6 Channelize your creativity, talk to people
Your communication is limited right now over FaceTime and Zoom Calls. We will be stuck at home, for God knows how long. This is the best time to start a blog in 2020 and talk to people. Share the feelings that you might not be able to share with your family. Channelize your creativity.
#7 Let’s talk money
Okay, you can’t start making money from your first blog post. That’s not possible unless you are a celebrity (right now, I will urge not to follow celebrities blindly, anyway). But within three months – if your content is good you can get paid gigs and start working with big brands.
#8 Get busy with something meaningful
If you don’t have a day job, you can try doing something creative and meaningful with blogging. The world of blogging is fun, take it from me who has been blogging since 2011!
#9 Like taking Challenge?
Running a successful blog that pays your bills is not exactly an easy task – especially if you are building it from scratch. But there are enough resources available which will help you create it without too much of investments.
#10 Be your own boss
There isn’t a bigger high than this – believe me. Being your own boss, taking your decisions, and being in control of your life!
So, how do you go about it? How to start a blog?
Here are some basic pre-requisites and homework you need to do before starting your blog
- Choose a Niche
- Get a hosting
- Begin writing
- Take LOADS of Photos
- Launch it
Quick Questions Answered

How to Choose a Niche for your blog?
Depends on what you want to develop content on.
Are you a mom? Choose parenting.
Are you good with makeup / skincare? Choose Beauty & Lifestyle
Are you good in baking? Choose food Blogging.
Self-Hosted on Free Blog?
If you want to take blogging seriously and start making money from it, you must go Self Hosted with a .com domain. It’s like having your workspace where you own that domain and can write whatever you want.
Brands would want you to have a self-hosted site than a free Blogger or WordPress blog. But you want to write just to share your opinion – like a hobby blog – you can start with a free blog. But I would always suggest you to get a self-hosted blog. There are enough options available like Bluehost, Go Daddy etc. Check for offers.
Make your Blog look professional
There are tons of free themes available for WordPress and Blogger self-hosted blogs on places like Creative Market or ThemeForest. It’s always good to clear professional looking themes for your website. Good looking, eye-soothing UI of your website = easy reading for the audience.
Avoid jarring colors, twisty curly fonts. They are not easy for the eyes!
Get basic plugins and make your blog user friendly.
I use the paid version of Soledad Theme which I have modified considerably!
Basic SEO you must do
SEO or Search Engine Optimization is an integral part of organic success of a blog. You might write good posts, but Google needs to know that and once they get to know they will show you in the searches!
Here’s what you should do.
- Make your blog search-friendly.
On WordPress site visit Settings » Reading page and uncheck the option “Discourage search engines from indexing this site” - Connect blog to Google Analytics
- Get Yoast SEO Plugin
- Submit your site on Google Search Console and Bing Webmaster (not sure if anyone uses Bing anyway)
- Use keywords for Blog posts
- Don’t forget internal linking
I will do a detailed post on SEO later. Let me know what you want to know.
How will I get Sponsored Campaigns?
Give your blog a good three months to grow. Create good content and make a Media Kit showcasing your work and stats.
BTW, Do you want me to do a post on Media Kits? Let me know.
Send your updated media kit to PRs and brands.
Add your site to Google Adsense. Once approved, depending on the traffic you are generating you can start making money just on traffic and page views! It’s not that easy as it sounds though!
Pin it for Later
To Summarize it All
There you go, your reasons to start a blog in 2020 and your guide to start one is right out there.
The audience is on the Internet all the time in 2020 – more than ever, if you think about it. Tap it. Use it for your good.
Do not forget the 3Cs – Content, Consistency and Communication and you should be doing really good with your blog.
And if you do start a blog let me know. I would love to check it out and might give a shoutout too.
I am Taking my Blog to the Next Level with BlogChatter’s #MyFriendAlexa
I am sharing some Blogging Tips & Tricks that I practice. Hoping you will enjoy it.
Find me in Twitter Facebook & Instagram.
Best advices.. In this digital age social media should be leveraged for financial agains and blogging is the best foot forward
True that
Oh yes, this is so true Tina! Blogging is now more Fun. Totally agree with you. loved how you explained everything
thank you. Yes its a lot of fun actually
The 3 Cs are my main issue. Not able to write consistently though I love to write. This is one reason I wish I began writing way earlier in life. i loved writing all my life. Just never thought it would be online. Waiting to hear about media kits!
the #cs are my pain points too, I lose steam sometimes
Interesting post! I am reviving my blog and wasnot sure if it would still be as relevant as it was when i first begain – your post is reassuring and has actionable tips – Thanks for sharing.
most welcome. will be happy if i can help you.
This was a very helpful read, Tina. I’d love to know more about SEO, as I’ve recently started to look at options to increase my blog’s visibility and start earning too. All the information on the internet is too overwhelming and a little confusing too.
thank you. I will be doing a post on SEO too.
Considering I am more of a hobby blogger, I really found your tips and tricks great. It gives me the courage to take the next step!
that is great Harshita. wishing you all the best
Very true! Now is the right time to start a blog and you have made out the points very well to convince.
Absolutely Tina. Blogging has gotten its due this pandemic. So many new nloggers have arrived on the scene with time on their hands and plenty to say.
It’s a wonderful time for old bloggers and new ones too!
One of the positives of blogging is that you learn to interact with people. you learn to say no, you do so many things that you’d never do otherwise, And that all eventually translates to revenue. Unfortunately, people don’t see those efforts.
Yessss the audience is online and there is so much we can do with our voice and our blog. Quite a comprehensive post this to give a quick lowdown on what it takes to be a blogger.
Cool tips Tina. I have always loved your food blog and the lovely images that you have on it. I am sure these tips will be helpful for all newbies.
Superb Tina. You have covered everything essential and need to know for anyone looking to get into blogging field.
That was a beautiful post. So informative especially for beginners. Looking forward to more on this topic.
Perfect post for those who want to begin blogging. Bow that many peeps have lost their work fur to covid many of them are starting a blog, I need some highlights on Bing. Looking forward to it
That was really good! Please do the thr media kit and SEO blogs. Can you suggest a self host? Which is best? I currently have a free WordPress and would like to change. Would love to know steps to monetize in more details.
Good one Tina. The information is very well structured .
Have you noticed a general surge in traffic since March?
A great post, surely this is the best time to start a blog, highlighting the right reasons to start a blog. The audience is online, that is so true, all we need is to reach out to them with our content.
ohh wow we both are writing on same theme. loved the post and you had said it all. personally i really liked your graphics and overall look of blog. looking forward for next post in series.
Wonderful tips Tina.
It will definitely help new bloggers
Wow! That is indeed a very exhaustive post. I agree with you that 2020 which is an year of pandemic is allowing people a lot of time to read. As you say they are also spending a lot of time on social media but unlike that a blog is a place where people can come back and read. A good post.
Liked the way you explained. Starting a blog in 2020 is a good suggestion keeping in mind the plenty of time people spend at home. Good article 👍
This is a fantastic post with everything covered under the sun. Very precise and complete.
You have encapsulated the basics really well. Yes I agree, there was no better year than 2020 to be a blogger!
Amazing tips Tina.. I am waiting to read the seo and media kit post please..
That’s very important points that Blogging has so many things to do. #MyFriendAlexa #dewreads
I can not agree more! In my head, blogs were never dead! And that was the only reason I think Tina, we all have been blogging for so many years, relentlessly! I have seen a sudden spike in my blog traffic after the pandemic and I think this post sums it up all so well!
Bingo you hit the nail in the head! The year 2020 if has anything good in the pocket that is a boom in the blogging vlogging field. plz, write a post on the media kit too. indeed a super informative post.
Wonderful and a needed post for budding bloggers. I started my blog in 2018 but was not regular with it but this lockdown I started writing more and more and being part of blog hops and blogathongs to grow my blog. Would love to read more on SEO and media kit.
I found many useful tips on blogging though I am into it since quite a while. Very helpful post.
I totally loved this post ; it was encouraging, answering queries in precise manner , easy to understand & quick to absorb; loved how you have got it all covered bout starting Blogging.
Perfect timing of this post. Content creation has got no boundaries and new talents are coming up in 2020.
This article is super useful for the new bloggers . I will share it with my friends
Many have turned to blogging over the course of the lockdown. A very detailed and informative post. This post will be a boon to newbies. 🙂
That’s a very very nice read Tina and quite important too. Most new bloggers when they begin don’t have much idea and what to do and how to do. This post answers all questions before one starts writing the blog.
This is indeed a very helpful post Tina. Blogs like these guide the newbies who wanted to get started. It is equally important to know your niche before you name your blog and introduce it to the audience. I agree with you Consistency is the keyword here and Content is the king. Looking forward to learn from SEO and Media Kits Posts too.
Wow. This was such a detailed analysis. Thank you for this super helpful and informative post.
I agree with all your reasons that one should start a blog in 2020, it is definitely one of the best things to consider doing during this pandemic.
I am totally in awe of the post. I also agree that people are mostly online these days and they are reading, watching videos and sharing more. This is the best time to start a blog and show your skills. And please write the detailed post on SEO. Looking forward to it.
For me, #6, #8 and most importantly – #2! Blogging is on fire this year
This is going to be super helpful for all the newbies in the blogging world. You have penned all the important points and it is indeed important to pay close attention to the three C’s you mentioned.
All 10 reasons are on point and it’s good to start a blog …this is the right time. This post is going to help all new people who want to be a blogger!!
wow..what an encapsulation of the important points. 2020 has came with a surprise to all of us but it became fruitful in many ways. One of them is blogging and letting people discover their creative side.
I’m still exploring it and find so many things to share about that people are liking to read. Nice pointers.
Learning, as they say never stops. Despite having a blog for many years now, I learned a lot from your post. I always forget internal linking and so many other things that you have mentioned here. Thank you for writing this informative post. Warm hugs, Tina – I love reading all your work.
Blogging will never lose it’s charm I feel. If one is passionate about writing, a blog can take you to great heights.
Wonderful post I wanted to monetize my blog will definitely get in touch with you
I agree…this is the right time and I did what you said..hahahha. Started blogging and sharing my knowledge with the world and yes utilizing my time doing something constructive.
An exhaustive list ,Tina. Pandemic did give a kick to many to start a new blog. Blogging can take one to new places.
Good tips for people wanting to start a blog
This is very helpful Tina. I wish if I had get any such guidance at the time I started mine. Anyway I want a detailed post on SEO . Plz do .
Blogs are very much around and will continue to be. 2020 has been a learning experience in many ways and it does make sense to start a blog to write about it.
I seriously love your food blog Tina.. Also even I feel that blogging liberates you in the sense you are your own boss.
Well said! I have been blogging for the past 6 years and it seems like my it was just yesterday. Every day is a new day wrt learning. Be it 2020 or 2050, what matters is to write as if the world is reading you – whole-heartedly with all your passion.
I loved this post Tina… You explained everything very nicely. Yeah! Food and entertainments blogs and channels are going crazy in this 2020 year. Very useful information. I want to read more.
Though my love for writing has got me here, I totally agree with your points that food and entertainment blogs are a hit amongst the readers.
Hi Tina! This is apt advice for beginners in blogging, and a good reminder to those who have been blogging for a while, but have skimped on a few basics. #MyFriendAlexa #TinaReads
The 3 C’s are so important in the blogging world. Having a good content plus being consistent in the work is the key. Liked the way you have listed all the important steps to start the blog.
Thanks for a detailed post. Found the section on SEO especially useful. Look forward to the more detailed post on that. Also, yes please write more about media kit. Thanks!
Such a informative post.I liked your 3cs mantra and plz write a post about will help us to improve our SEO skill.
This is such an informative blog for all the beginners to take a clue. Explains the basic, how to go about it and answers most of the questions very beautifully
I’d definitely love to read your posts on SEO and media kits. It would be of great help. #tmmreads
Finally I seem to be learning the secrets of successful blogging.
Expresse yourself to a larger audience, utilize your time in doing something meaningful, maintain online discipline through effective blogging, and make money along the process! Very detailed information penned in a crisp manner.
You’ve put down some excellent, actionable tips here for people looking to start or revive their blogs! And I’m sure a lot of people would find a post on how to put a media kit together helpful!
Nice post , when lockdown started , I thought this
Lucky me , I have a work from home option by being a full time blogger and Influencer 🙂
Best article for anyone aspiring to be a blogger. You covered every aspect of blogging.
A great post especially for those looking to start a blog. Your post is a complete guide to start and maintain a blog.
Thanks for sharing this info. I started blogging as a hobby but now I see better options in it and this gives me immense pleasure.
2020 really proved a great blogging year and platform to reach more audiences. Content and consistency is the base key.
Very detailed post Tina..any new blogger would get great pointers to start a blog. I am technically challenged. Yes, I follow the 3 C’s diligently but I dunno how to market my blog.I dunno how to make a media kit or how and where to pitch brands. I don’t even have AdSense 🙁
My content is good and good traffic but I dunno how to monetise it.
Some really amazing pointers out there why one should start a blog in 2020. But I do feel with this wave of influencers and paid followers the art of blogging is on the decline. Anyway, Great post. Keep the amazing work going. Loved your pictographic presentation of this article.
#MyFriendAlexa #ContemplationOfaJoker #Jokerophilia
Your post sounds like it should- boss lady speaks! Thanks for going into minute details especially useful for newbies or those discouraged
This is such a comprehensive and well presented post about blogging. This year has taught us so many things and to channelise our creativity positively is one such thing. The audience is online and how to cater to them needs a lot of hard work.
I had started my blog in 2014 not having a clue what to do and how to go about maintaining a website. Your post will be so beneficial fo new bloggers. Kudos and Happy Alexa
Those are some great points shared by you. It will surely help anyone who is thinking to start a blog and also earn from it.
Very detailed post which will help out new bloggers a lot.
Perfectly time blog post.Of course blogging is not dead. very informative and crisp.
A very useful post and some great pointers. I launched my food blog this year and thoroughly enjoying it.
There will always be an audience for blogs even though I find that with Instagram, people are appreciating quick reads and concise information. However, when detailed information is required, blogs still rule. Therefore, just like you mentioned, content is king and it’s only when you have some meaty matter with a good viewership that brands turn to you.
These are good pointers for those who won’t to monetize the blog. Yet with all the paid things and all bloggers have become more of influencers. ..blogging is not same a influencing ..what do you say
Very informative and to the point. Great post.
These are some really helpful points you have shared for some newbies, its so much easier to start a blog for self if we get some basic thems, templets and banners right.
Very very valid pointers for those who want to start a blog!
A fantastic post. I really love how you have explained each and every aspect of blogging for beginners in detail. Kudos.
That’s such an exhaustive post and very resourceful for one who is still in two-minds on starting their blog. Surely, 2020 is a great year to start a blog!
Blogs will never be dead! Loved your colourful post.
You shared some relevant points to help new bloggers. I am sure this is very helpful.
Thanks for the detailed post Tina, 3C’s and from a consistency standpoint are areas I am lagging, need to be posting more consistently and also on the revenue part.. Should work on enhancing my audience and then look at generating some revenue on my blog post..
I have been blogging since… 2013. I have often wondered how it would be to venture down the paid path! Never thought it was so straightforward. But, I have decided to take a raincheck anyway…
I love the feel of your blog…
Your way of writing is amazing…
And yes, google ad sense is not a piece of cake i am trying and it’s not working for me…affililate is something i am trying now though not much of success uptill now. Getting paid through blogging is very hard… Thanks for sharing these tips…
Blogging is such a lovely way to express and share the knowledge we have. In this shift to digital, it will gain even more importance. Best time to begin!
This is an awesome post Tina. Loved reading it and it’s gonna be a very helpful and motivating post. Thanks for sharing it.
Thank you Tina for such a detailed and helpful post. Would love a tutorial on media kits and adsense